Chandigarh/ Oral Health Sciences Centre, PGIMER, Chandigarh Celebrates World Oral Health Day 2024

Celebration held at Vatika Special School, Sector 19, Chandigarh
Chandigarh : The Oral Health Sciences Center, PGI which is now designated as the National Resource Centre for Oral Healthcare of Children and Elderly, under the National Oral Health Programme, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, hosted a program on the occasion of ‘World Oral Health Day 2024’ at Vatika Special School Sector 19- B, Chandigarh with a theme of ‘A Happy Mouth is a Happy Body’. This event highlighted the steps that the centre has taken in promoting oral health of children with special healthcare needs especially those with visual and hearing impairments. Information, Education and Communication (IEC) material for oral health promotion of these children in the form of posters, a video in Indian Sign Language for hearing-impaired children and a school oral health wall template were released.
The Chief guest, Dean (Academic) Prof. Naresh K Panda, highlighted the importance of oral health and its link with diabetes, hypertension, and cardiovascular diseases, and the commendable work this National Resource Centre at PGI has done for the oral health of specialized populations. The guest of honor, President Vatika Special School, Mrs. Navdeep Verma also acknowledged the importance of good oral habits in visual and hearing impaired children. 6 posters designed specifically for the visually impaired, featuring tactile graphics and braille were released by Prof. Panda, Mrs. Navdeep Verma and Head, Oral Health Sciences Centre PGI, Prof. Ashima Goyal. An oral health education video in Indian Sign Language for hearing-impaired children was also released.
Dr. Ashima Goyal elaborated that these resources have undergone validation by experts and teachers of hearing and visually impaired children. A prize distribution ceremony for the winners of the various oral health competitions conducted by the National Resource Centre under the ‘Swasth Mukh- Sehat ka Adhaar’ theme was also carried out wherein the best performing school children and teachers were awarded. GMHS Sector 48- D was adjudged as the best performing school in oral healthcare activities. Some of the school teachers shared their pleasant experiences regarding this oral health education journey with the National Resource Centre of Oral Health Sciences, PGI. They attributed the success of the Oral Health Care Program in Chandigarh government schools particularly those with special healthcare needs to the dedication and collaborative efforts of the officials of the Department of Education, Chandigarh Administration, administrators of Special schools, members of Haryana Welfare Society, the team members of the National Resource Centre as well as the unyielding commitment of Dr. Ashima Goyal at the Oral Health Sciences Centre, PGI, Chandigarh.